Main » 2013»September»1 » How to know the manufacturing date of a computer?
9:33 PM
How to know the manufacturing date of a computer?
Most of people prefer to buy new computer from a brand or probably get them assembled as per configuration. Yesterday, one of my friends bought an old computer at very low cost. He told me that it was 10 months old. A very quick question that came in brain was that there should be any option to know the manufacturing date of computer. I tried several commands and finally found one very correct.
(Note: It works on Windows computers)
Let me tell you about how it works:
1. Click Start button > Open Run and type CMD to open command prompt.
2. At command prompt, type debug and press enter.
3. At the next line type DF000:FFF5 and again press enter
The manufacturing date of your computer will come at the right side as shown in the image below.
To know the manufacturer of your computer, use this command: wmic csproduct get vendor, version
If the above command doesn't work, then try this:
wmic computersystem get model,name,manufacturer,systemtype
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