Yesterday, I was exploring my computer to find new things. I have Windows7 installed. Unfortunately, my mouse was not working, so I tried to use Speech Recognition feature of Windows 7 and instructed my computer to do what I wanted. This was working perfectly fine. Then I thought to read VB Script for about an hour and tried to create a small script that allows your computer to speak the words you type. Let's see, how that script works:
Step 1: At first, open notepad(Obviously, it's a script editor)
Step 2: Copy the code below and paste that into the notepad file
createobject("SAPI.SPvoice").speak "Type your words here"Step 3: You can type anything instead of
"Type your words here" above and make sure quotes are still there
Step 4: Save the file with extension .vbs ; For example, if your file name is test then save it as test.vbs
You can then run the file and you will hear the words you typed.
To know more about SpVoice Interface, you can visit Microsoft Link here: